Homework tasks 19/5/17

Date: 18th May 2017 @ 10:51pm

Year 2 Homework – due Wednesday 24th May

Maths: Please complete the Mathletics activities set. The activity/activities are checking what the children might know already about 3d shapes before we start them next week. The help ? is very useful as it highlights each vertex and face for each shape if anyone is stuck. Be sure to read each question carefully!

Reading: Please complete 3 lessons on Reading Eggs again this week. On the main screen, could you also read a book from ‘My Books to Read’ with someone at home and then answer the questions about it.

Learning diary: Our learning will continue to be posted on Class Dojo for the time being, so your task at home each day is to make sure you share what you have learnt that day with an adult. I’m going to ask parents to let me know if this isn’t happening as it is one of your tasks to complete.

Contact Us

Telephone: 01928 574544

Email: enquiries@weston.halton.sch.uk

Headteacher: Helen Pitt

Weston Primary School,

Lambsickle Lane, Runcorn,

Cheshire WA7 4RA

SENCO: Laura Simpson

Email: senco@weston.halton.sch.uk