Equality Objectives
Weston Primary School
Equality Objectives
In line with the Equalities Act, 2010 and the school’s Equality Policy and Public Sector Equality Duty commitment statement, the following objectives demonstrate the school’s focus on providing equal and inclusive educational and non-educational services in a non-discriminatory manner for all members of our school community.
These objectives have been arrived at following discussions with members of the school community, an analysis of pupil progress and a review of the school’s developing population over recent years.
We are committed to meeting our Public Sector Equality Duty to:
(a) Eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under this Act.
(b) Advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.
(c) Foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.
We shall achieve this through
- Implementing required policies and procedures
- Ensuring appropriate training for our staff
- School assemblies and special events
- Our curriculum and interaction with all members of our school community
- Our communications, website and publications
- Our ethos and values
- Appropriate oversight by school leaders and Governors
- Our identified school objectives
Progress against these objectives will be formally reviewed annually over the next four years. The timescale and procedures for monitoring the objectives may be amended in the light of new guidance or changes to relevant legislation.
At the present time, all children with disabilities and special needs join in everyday activities with other pupils as part of our commitment to inclusion. Currently the school has the following facilities:
• Ramps
• Accessible toilet
• Curriculum and equipment aids
For additional information see Accessibility Plan.
Updated May 2021