National Curriculum Expectations for Year 3
Provided below, are the end of year National Curriculum requirements that your child must meet in order to achieve age related expectations for Reading, Writing and Mathematics. I have also included the Year 2 National Curriculum requirements to help fill any gaps from last year. For more information about the expectations in other curriculum areas, please visit the relevant pages in the Curriculum section of our website.
All the objectives will be worked on throughout the year and will be the focus of direct teaching. Any extra support you can provide in helping your children to achieve these is greatly valued.
The children will be given homework every Friday and this will be due in the following Wednesday (unless stated otherwise). Typically, children will receive maths, reading and spelling homework each week and sometimes a longer project to be completed during the half term linked to our topic. It is a school expectation that all children complete their homework and hand it in on the due date.
At Weston, we expect the children to read regularly each week in order to develop their reading and comprehension. Ideally, the children should be be reading everyday. Reading with an adult in massively important, even for children in KS2. It is an expectation that parents should aim to listen to or read with their child at least 3 times per week.
Punctuality & Attendance
At Weston, it is a school expectation that all children are in school by 8:50am each day for registration. The majority of classes use registration time to consolidate previous learning and to practice key skills. Therefore, it is vital that your child is on time for school so they don't miss this important learning opportunity.
A document outlining all the ‘End of Year Expectations’ for Year 3 is available here to be downloaded