


Homework is set every Friday and is due in on Wednesday

Please RETURN the children's plastic homework folders each week! : )

Hello everyone, after working with the children this first half term, it is clear that Reading, Phonics and Maths are going to be huge targets. I will be setting weekly homework tasks that will link closely to the work we are doing in class and that will target specific areas across all three subjects.

As parents and carers, your support is vital and so gratefully appreciated. So I ask, beg and plead with you all to do your best to attempt some or all the tasks set each week, as this will help to support your child's progress and overall attainment over the coming weeks and months : )



On the 24th January I sent home the new QR Phonics sheets (that will expire on the 1st May).

Some children may have more than one sheet based upon their current assessment level and needs.

Please spend the coming weeks and months scanning the Phonics QR codes and allow your child to watch and interact with the videos as much as possible!

Encourage them to sound out and repeat words and special friends when asked to do so by the adult on screen.

These videos are from the official Read Write Inc website and are a fantastic resource to support your child’s phonics progress, which is so important in Year 1. 

This work at home will support the daily work going on in class and will greatly support the children before they take their important National Phonics Screening Test in June.


Task TwoMaths: Money Maths Sheets x2 (sent home today)

This week, the children have been exploring coins and notes.

For this weeks homework, I would like the children to complete the coin and notes tasks on both sheets.



Task Three: DT 

Can you please all start saving and bringing into school your small cereal boxes and card board egg containers for our upcoming Moving Vehicles project! The boxes and egg containers the better : )


Task Four: Please read three (3) times or more with your child.

Can you please record when you have read together, each time, in the children’s yellow reading records.

Pupils who do read 3 or more times get extra SHINE POINTS in class, so please do your very best to read together as it is so important.




Other Important Tasks: To support your child's progress please:


Encourage the children to write short sentences, stories or facts that include:

*Capital letter

*Finger Spaces



*A Full Stop or a !



Continue to scan the Phonics QR codes and allow your child to watch and interact with the videos.

Encourage them to sound out and repeat words and special friends when asked to do so by the adult on screen.

These videos are from the official Read Write Inc website and are a fantastic resource to support your child’s phonics progress, which is so important in Year 1.



Please try your best to do the following activities set many weeks ago

All the children have been given Mathletics logins and they can be found in your child’s Yellow Reading Record (inside front cover).

Mathletics is a brilliant interactive resource that has been proven to really support, consolidate and extend pupils mathematical understanding and progress.

Please login, either through the Mathletics App or directly onto the Mathletics website https://login.mathletics.com/ and complete all the set activities.

If you have any trouble logging in to the Mathletcis app, please let me know so I can help in any way possible.


Thank you for all your continued support.

Mr Manning

Contact Us

Telephone: 01928 574544

Email: enquiries@weston.halton.sch.uk

Headteacher: Helen Pitt

Weston Primary School,

Lambsickle Lane, Runcorn,

Cheshire WA7 4RA

SENCO: Laura Simpson

Email: senco@weston.halton.sch.uk