

 Set: Friday 6th December

To be completed by: Wednesday 11th December

Homework Set:

Mathletics- complete lesson assigned.

Spelling/SPAG- complete the activity sheet and return.

Read at least three times. Please ensure that reading records are signed. Reading records checked every Friday


Phonics QR code-  Scan the QR code that has been highlighted pink. It will open up a phonics video for the children to watch. Once the children have watched them, feel free to watch others. You do not need to return the sheet. Not every child has a sheet.


Homework Links:


Reading Eggs



Weekly Task:  Please continue to read with your child. 

Also, ask the children specific questions while they are reading, such as:

Q: Who are the main characters so far?

Q: Where is the story set?

Q: Who are they with or Where are they going?

Q: What do you think will happen next? Why?

Q: What has happened so far in the story?

Q: How do you think the story will end?  


Files to Download

Contact Us

Telephone: 01928 574544

Email: enquiries@weston.halton.sch.uk

Headteacher: Helen Pitt

Weston Primary School,

Lambsickle Lane, Runcorn,

Cheshire WA7 4RA

SENCO: Laura Simpson

Email: senco@weston.halton.sch.uk